Friday, June 10, 2011

Ya learn something new every day!

Hi Friends! So I have been oh so blessed to see some pretty amazing homes here in Tucson. This is one of Within Studio's clients homes, one of many modern homes in this golf course community. I thought you might like to see how some of these Tucsonians are living!
You can see behind the red sculpture they have these automatic storm shutter that open up so you can have an all glass house when you are home or fully secured shutter when you are traveling...

Incredible art garden...and what a cute little pool for your sculpture!

They called this their Cactus, yeah, that is the only kind of "garden" out here.

 I learned that this particular client (currently retired), but they were in the Whirligig business...honestly, I've never even heard that word before. Well, anyway that's what these are:
And this is the view from their master...I wish you could see it in person, the pic's don't do it justice, and there is all kinds of wildlife running around.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Enjoying Peace In HIS Presence

" I AM WITH YOU, watching over you constantly. I am Emmanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me. Some of my children find me more readily during dark time, when difficulties force them to depend on Me. Other feel closer to Me when their lives are filled with good things. They respond with thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My Presence.
I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me. Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of my gifts; find Me in every situation". - Jesus Calling

We miss you guys!
Brian + Natalie

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day Brian and I took a short drive up to Mt. Lemon. Locals say that it is basically like taking a drive from Mexico to Canada in 45 minutes. You go from desert to evergreens in no time; it's so pretty!

Close to the top of Mt. Lemon there is this small little town called Summerhaven

...and in Summerhaven we found the Cookie Cabin!!!
 this is the only size cookie they sell...AWESOME!

After a long day of exploring we made our way down the mountain to Guadalajara Grill. This place is incredible, they have a person who comes to your table and makes your custom salsa with any of the fresh ingredients you want in it. You get to try it out and you tell them what you want to add or if it's just right...soooo good!

Dinner - Chimichanga Asada : 

We finish up the day with Percy taking us on a stroll through the neighborhood...right before all of the bats come out...AHH!